
Tenenblatts Donate $5 million

Anna and William Tenenblatt led the way with their $5 million gift, which was announced in February of 2019. The Tenenblatt’s donation is a significant investment in the future of Jewish education in Los Angeles, and their goal is to help future families afford the exceptional education that Sinai Akiba provides. “We have always believed in the mission of both the Temple and the School, and are proud to be a part of building the future for students who attend Sinai Akiba,” shared Anna Tenenblatt, a dedicated Temple Board member who has served as the School’s Board Chair, the Temple’s Vice President of Education, and currently serves as the Vice President of Programming & Social Action. 

The Tenenblatts have been long-standing pillars of the Sinai Akiba and Sinai Temple communities for over three decades and were honored at Sinai Akiba’s 2020 Gala.  They received the inaugural Hineni Award, for their long-term and extraordinary commitment to the Sinai community. “This most recent gift to the School will be felt for many years to come and we are so grateful for their service, generosity, and dedication,” said Janet Rosenblum, Advancement Director for Sinai Akiba. 

Given the priority they place on Jewish education and continuity, it is no surprise that Anna and Bill directed this most recent gift to tuition assistance. When asked what motivated them to make this gift, Anna Tenenblatt said, “We firmly believe that all children should be given the opportunity to learn about their Jewish faith and tradition in a wonderful environment like Sinai Akiba.”

Over the years, Anna and Bill have created measurable change throughout our community and have been important contributors in almost every initiative across our School and Temple. In addition to giving generously to the Temple and providing two full scholarships each year for Sinai Akiba students, Anna and Bill made a lead gift to the Sinai Akiba Generations Endowment Campaign and generously supported the fund for children of alumni, which was unveiled at the School’s 50th Anniversary Gala in 2018. “Anna and Bill Tenenblatt are exemplars of the Jewish tradition in their generosity, their passion and their unstinting commitment to transmitting our sacred values. We are blessed to have them in our community,” said Rabbi David Wolpe, Max Webb Senior Rabbi of Sinai Temple.

Together, the Tenenblatts are already working hard to encourage others to join them in this campaign to support the School’s endowment. “It is our sincere hope that this lead gift will inspire others to help in securing the future of both our School and our Temple,” they shared. 
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About Sinai Akiba Academy

Sinai Akiba Academy is a private Jewish day school in Los Angeles, serving students in Early Childhood through Grade 8. We also offer a variety of parenting classes and programs for children through our Parenting Center. A Sinai Temple school.

Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy As to Students

Sinai Akiba Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.